A large West Australian shopping centre is now experiencing amazingly low power costs thanks to a suite of upgrades by Sustainable Focus. The site, which has three major retailers and over seventy specialist stores, is enjoying fantastic results achieved through a combination of installing a leading-edge Energy Management System and replacing inefficient loads. The project has
significantly improved the centres’ return from the embedded network by reducing energy waste and identifying inaccuracies in end-user billing.
Key Outcomes
The multi-pronged approach involved the design and installation of a state-of-the-art Energy Management System with the primary motive of reducing the site OPEX.
The system regulates site operation in line with real demand and ambient conditions, reducing the operating cost of the facility and improving the internal environment while ensuring power is only used when it’s needed.
Complementing the savings from the EMS, the internal and external lighting systems were also completely replaced with new high efficiency LED lights, enhancing the architectural intent of the mall, and improving the ambience of the space.